Samsung has reportedly been working on an AI Silicon processor chip which should be released with its next flagship device. Other smartphone manufacturers such as Huawei and Apple have already come out with their versions of AI Silicon in their mobile chipsets.
According to a tip from Samsung leaker Ice Universe, the company is busy engineering second generation NPU architecture. NPU stands for Neural Processing Unit and it is an AI accelerator designed to pace up the acceleration process of devices that rely heavily on Artificial Intelligence.
The leaker is making his claims based on a Samsung employee’s LinkedIn profile. According to the profile, the person is now working at Qualcomm. According to Ice Universe, The South Korean company will use the Silicon hardware in their Exynos 9820 chipset.
There is however some uncertainty over which device will be getting this chipset. It might not be for Samsung’s next flagship; rather it could be for its smart TV, refrigerator or even microwave.
But if I were to place a bet I’d say it very well could be for the Samsung Galaxy S10 or Note 10. The smartphone industry has been gradually shifting more and more towards AI over the past few years especially because of features such as Siri and Google Assistant.
Samsung could also use these chips to power features such as biometric identification, image processing, machine vision, and natural language processing.
Rumor has it, Qualcomm will be adding artificial intelligence to its next line of smartphone processors, which will be a successor to the Snapdragon 845. So if this rumor is true, then Exynos 9820 would definitely be getting an AI silicon chipset.
The electronics giant uses Qualcomm processors for the US smartphones, while Exynos variant is used for the International version of its smartphones. So theoretically both processor versions should have AI Silicon processor chips, so as to provide equal performance.
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