Samsung released three monitors right before the commencement of CES 2019. Last year we got to see Samsung’s 146-inch modular MicroLED TV, and the technology blew our minds. This year we are really looking forward to Samsung’s new Space Monitor.
Samsung Space Monitor is a 27 inch Quad HD Display, also available in a 32-inch 4K variant. It is unique compared to other monitors available on the market. This monitor can be clamped onto a user’s desk via a fully-integrated monitor arm to be moved out of the way when you need to free up desk space.
Also read: Best PC monitors for gaming on Amazon in 2021
Even the clamp arm itself is unique as it can allow users to adjust the monitor’s height and tilt it to change its viewing angle. Unfortunately, the monitor doesn’t offer as many options as one would have expected. For example, it doesn’t rotate horizontally; users will have to view the monitor straight ahead.
Despite this limitation, the clamp makes the monitor feel extremely clean on a desk, and the prices are relatively low. The 27-inch version will cost $400, while the 32-inch model will run you $500. Samsung is set to take preorders, and the monitor will begin shipping in March.

There is one other issue with the new monitors. Unlike most Samsung displays, this one will not utilize QLED technology. It will have a maximum brightness of 250 nits, which isn’t anything to get excited about, but should get the job done.
Samsung also announced a second new monitor – the 49-inch CRG9. It is a follow-up to the Korean electronics giant’s ultra-wide CHG90 QLED Gaming Monitor. The latest gaming monitor now has an even sharper dual QHD resolution.
The CHG90 ran with a 3,840 x 1,080 resolution, while the CRG9 takes the resolution and doubles it to 5,120×1,440. That means the resolution will be equal to two QHD monitors! This dream come true for most gamers, given that many will be using this monitor with a beefy PC for maximum graphics capability.
This CRG9 will have a 32:9 aspect ratio and the ability to reach a maximum of 1000 nits. To put things into perspective, this is four times the brightness of the Space Monitor. But the CHG90 only offers a 120Hz refresh rate, whereas it should be at least 144Hz. Obviously, the higher the refresh rate, the better the gaming experience.
Phillips and Dell already have their own versions of a 49-inch ultra-wide QHD display, and Samsung has some catching up to do. Samsung is more famous for its displays than both Dell and Philips, so it should still have the upper hand.
Are you considering buying either of these new screens? What is the most significant selling point for you?