It’s been more than a week that Spider-Man: No Way Home is out. The movie is fantastic, and one should watch it only in IMAX 3D. I won’t give anything but this that there’s a trailer of Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness at the end of the movie. However, if you haven’t seen the movie and were waiting for the trailer, Marvel Studios has officially released the teaser in HD for everyone, along with an official poster.

Caution: Possible ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home‘ Spoilers Ahead
The trailer seems to start with the aftermath of Spier-Man: No Way Home, in which Doctor Strange casts a spell, even after getting warned by Wong, that was supposed to make everyone forget who Spider-Man was. Due to Peter’s continuous interruption, the spell strikes back, and some folks from Multiverse who know about Peter Parker end up in this Universe. It seems that the Multiverse of Madness starts where No Way Home and WandaVision ends. Strange asks Wanda for help in the trailer and later can be seen asking Mordo for help as well, who was an ally of Doctor Strange in the first movie. The trailer unveils an evil Doctor Strange, possibly Strange Supreme, that we already saw during Marvel’s What If… series. The film will be released in theaters on May 6, 2022. Watch the official trailer of Marvel Studios’ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer.