World of Tech

Microsoft to end support for Skype

Microsoft to end support for Skype is now ready to hit the market. Microsoft is ready to facilitate Skype users with...
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News has it that Google is all set to add creator credits to images from now on! Google has come up...
Can Snapchat beat Instagram in its online shopping game? With an ever-increasing trend of online shopping, social media platforms seem to...
Julian Assange, the enigmatic and controversial founder of WikiLeaks will be stepping down as Editor in Chief. Assange had been...
The daily grind of life wears us off so much that when it's finally the holiday season we tend to...
After Amazon's cashier-free store in Chicago, the company will open its merchandise store in New York City. The store offers highly...
NASA recently submitted a report to Congress stating its plan to explore Moon and other cosmos through its Exploration Campaign. NASA...
Looks like Uber has a competitor now; Didi is launching its taxi-hailing services in Japan as a joint venture with SoftBank...
Security experts are saying that Russian hackers are planning another attack, this time using a sophisticated malware program. Internet security...
A food startup from Chicago, Farmer’s Fridge aims to serve Americans fresh and healthy food through vending machines. It has...
A question everyone asks!
Stripe, an electronic payment system, has declared today that it will be acquiring more funds. Stripe is now worth $20...