On 20th October 2020, LG Electronics (LG) launched the world’s first rollable TV, LG SIGNATURE OLED R (model RX). The TVs will be made available at seven premium consumer stores located in major centers throughout South Korea. The customers can purchase this One-of-a-Kind TV at a retail price of KRW 100 million (USD 87,000).
The groundbreaking rollable TVs are manufactured in LG’s advanced Gumi facility located in South Korea. The brushed aluminum casing and modern wool speaker cover provided by Denmark based design textile company Kvadrat lend a refined and elegant look to the TV.
President of LG Home Entertainment Company, Park Hyoung-sei said,
“The seamless marriage of technological and design innovation demonstrated in LG SIGNATURE OLED R is an unprecedented feat that genuinely deserves to be called a work of art.”
LG is offering its customers the four options to choose exquisite shades of covering, including Signature Black, Topaz Blue, Toffee Brown, or Moon Gray. Interestingly, customers can also personalize versions of their TV unit by imprinting a name or a message on the aluminum base.
LG SIGNATURE OLED R features a liquid-smooth 65-inch flexible OLED display that renders self-lighting pixel technology and individual dimming control to let out ultimate picture quality.
LG’s latest rollable TV set the users free from the space allocation and limitations of the room wall. It makes them a patron to the area occupation of their TV and enables them to curate their TV watching environment without permanently allocate a dedicated single-purpose space for a large, black screen. The rollable TV allows the user to watch the screen in three different viewing formats, i.e., Full View, Line View, and Zero View.
According to LG, The R in the name does not only signify that their TV can be rollable but also highlighting the aspect that this TV is a revolutionary in the space of home entertainment. It is “redefining the relationship between a TV that can disappear from view at the touch of a button and the surrounding space.”
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