Apple has unveiled the new MacBook Air, which starts at a new basic price of $999. The new MacBook Air has a revamped keyboard, which has all new scissor mechanisms instead of the butterfly mechanism, which has been reported by users as faulty.
Apple’s MacBook Air is the most popular Mac and now has the all-new Magic Keyboard and 2x faster performance than the previous one. The new MacBook Air 2020 also has twice the storage in the base model from the predecessor. Not just this, new MacBook Air has 80% faster graphics performance. It has a 13-inch Retina display and a Touch ID sensor in the power button for secure transactions and logins. Apple claims that MacBook Air 2020 has all-day battery life. Since iPadOS now supports trackpad, the Magic Keyboard also has a trackpad.
Speaking of the performance, the MacBook Air 2020 has the latest 10th-generation Intel Core processors up to 1.2GHz quad-core Core i7 with Turbo Boost speeds up to 3.8GHz. There is also an Intel Iris Plus Graphics card, which enables MacBook Air 2020 to perform 80% faster in graphics-intensive activities and video editing. The 13-inch Retina display has over 4 million pixels and enriched with millions of colors. The base model of the new MacBook Air now starts at 256GB storage and can be upgraded to up to 2TB SSD, which is double the previous max storage.
MacBook Air 2020 is available to order from Apple’s website. The price for the education model of the new MacBook Air 2020 is $899.
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