WhatsApp has announced an update that will allow users to customize their inbox with new wallpapers. The update improves sticker searching and making it easier for the users.
The new wallpaper setting can be accessed in the WhatsApp Settings to use them for both options, i.e., for all or a specific chat. At the top-right Menu, users will be given the option to add custom wallpapers to the chats.
As a thoughtful addition, users can add the signature WhatsApp doodles to solid-color backgrounds. The collection also features bright and dark wallpapers. When you type some smileys in the composing box, they will be automatically loaded with sticker suggestions. WhatsApp is also launching a new animated WHO sticker bundle based on the Together at Home theme.
Discussing the recent update, Facebook said in a statement to The Verge,
“Make your chats personal and distinguishable by using a custom wallpaper for your most important chats and favorite people, and you never need worry about sending the wrong message in the wrong chat ever again.”
Updates will be rolled out this week, but some users of iOS WhatsApp are already seeing them appear in their messaging app.
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