Apple is reportedly working on an always-on display feature for the upcoming iPhone, reported by Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman. In his weekly newsletter “Power On,” Gurman said that the next iPhone might arrive with an always-on display. In addition, he also mentioned that iPhone 2021 might have an improved battery life, an upgraded 120Hz refresh rate screen, a smaller notch design, and a much faster A15 chip.
This is not the first time a leak suggested that an always-on display is in the works. Max Weinbach, who’s a noted leaker, revealed that Apple might be considering bringing Apple Watch’s always-on display tech to iPhone. Although the same technique is being used in many Android phones for a long time now, it would be interesting to see how it’s done the “Apple’s way.”
According to the leak, the Always-On display feature is still basic and uses the same LTPO display technology like Apple Watch Series 5 and 6 for always-on display features.
Earlier this year, a noted analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo, also suggested that the new iPhone Pro models would be coming this year with an LTPO display and higher refresh rates. Since other leakers like Max Weinbach and Jon Prosser have also suggested the same specs, it seems that Apple is finally bringing high refresh rates to iPhone, even though it’s late.
The Power On newsletter from Gurman also mentioned the upcoming MacBook Pro with massive design changes coming this fall. The new MacBooks will have a flatter design (like the new iMacs minus the colors) and come with a powerful M1 chip successor. The announcement is expected between September and November.
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