Assure app performance with functional testing

Smartphone technologies with mobile apps have made the life of the people smart. Millions of apps are there on the app stores to select from. Most of the businesses and service providers have already made their products and services available on mobile screens at the expense of a few touches through apps. But at the same time, it is quite miserable that good numbers of apps are uninstalled due to app crashes. There are also other reasons for which your app can be uninstalled by the users. Here are them for you.

App uninstallation

There is no doubt that users will uninstall the mobile app if it is not appealing to them in functional excellence. Apart from app crashes, factors like confusing UI, fast battery consumption, page response time, etc. can compel the users to uninstall the app and search for similar ones. The app market is so competitive and users find several apps similar to yours. Here comes the importance of functional testing and also non-functional testing with a reputed platform like pCloudy.

Importance of functional testing

Functional testing is the test conducted to test the functions of apps to make sure that they work in conformance with the unique requirements for which it is designed for. At present, most of the app developers and businesses give importance to functional testing since app failure can result in the loss of hard effort and hard-earned money invested in the app development. You should make use of an advanced mobile app testing platform like pCloudy to engage in a complete check of apps within a short period.

Safety assured

Businesses make the apps with unique features and hence they are so concerned about the safety of the source code of the app. Functional testing with pCloudy is similar to black-box testing and it does not dig into the details of the source code of the app. The test is focused on the user-friendliness of the important functions of the app.

Different types

There are different types of functional testing for mobile apps. They include Unit testing, Integration testing, Sanity testing, Smoke testing, Regression testing, System testing, and User acceptance of Beta testing. Reputed app testing platforms like pCloudy with automated features help the users to conduct complete types of checks in a common platform. The platform helps the users to engage in both manual testing and automated testing with access to several numbers of real devices.

Fast delivery of apps

The mobile app industry has turned to a competitive sector and the app developers are in need to deliver the apps on time without any of the usual pitfalls to sustain in the industry. There are thousands of devices in the market with different specifications and resolutions. Hence you should make sure that the app works with the same level of performance in all of the systems. Now the task is made easy with functional testing with the pCloudy platform, one of the reputed cloud-integrated mobile app testing platforms. This helps you test the mobile app at any time from anywhere.

Muhammad Zeshan Sarwar
Muhammad Zeshan Sarwar
Tech Enthusiast and motivational tech writer advocating for fair tech policies and covering all news related to the mobile industry and more.

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