Change; The only Constant in this World

Respect change and Respond accordingly.

Muhammad Omer Ali

Change is a much-diversified topic. The world is changing rapidly and so are we. Without change, life becomes dull & stagnant for most people.

In this context, each one of us must be flexible in approach to embrace the changes happening around us. People who are rigid in approach are the biggest hurdle in making the society move towards prosperity. If we look at the history of mankind, humans never really accepted change in the past. If we had not accepted it at all, we would still be living in the stone age and using leaves as our attire. So, we can say the change has ultimately resulted in the betterment of society. Change is applicable in every perspective of life, whether business, Education, Health or human relationships. Every invention of this world is a result of the change.

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Change a big tool of Experience:

When people willingly accept changes around them, it will enable them to try new things which add to their experience. Experiences might not always turn out to be good. But what matters the most is that you gained ‘experience’ out of it. Experience is the basis for making progress if we talk in terms of business. While implementing the new process, don’t forget about change management.

Change management basically gives us a detailed process and activities to be carried in determining the success of the change. There is a strong positive correlation between change & experience. Change often leads to experiences. Experiences can result in any of the following outcomes.

  1. Problem-solving skills
  2. Market Awareness
  3. Organized Behaviors
  4. Self-confidence
  5. Interpersonal skills
  6. Relationship management
  7. Coordination of Sources
  8. Optimization of Sources

Saying No to Change is a threat:

It has been observed in the past that saying no to change could lead your business to destruction. I would like to quote the example of one of the biggest mobile phones company in its own time; Nokia. Nokia was the most dominant force of the mobile phone market until 2008. In the second quarter of 2007, Nokia’s market share hit 50% mark of total mobile world market.

In September 2013, at the time of acquisition of Nokia by Microsoft market share of the company was dropped only to 3%. In light of the above-mentioned case study, one famous quote goes

“It is not the strongest of species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change”

– Charles Darwin

Application of Research & Development in Every Field of life:

Changing patterns of the economy can only be coped with the effectiveness of one’s Research & Development techniques. In support of our above case study, it is clear now that adaption of change is as important as your market & promotion budgets.

Research & Development not only result in new innovations but it plays a vital role in increasing the efficiency of existing products & services available in the market. Sometimes it decreases the cost of productions dramatically. For example, the Telecommunication sector was most expensive in the past but continuous R&D has yielded fruitful results in decreasing this expensive market.

Change; A Universal characteristic for being happy or sad:

The domain of change is huge covering every perspective of life. If we talk in reference to day to day human relationship management, the implications are widely spread. For living a happy and stable life, one has to make sure that they are adaptable to changes happening around them.

For instance, your relationship with your parents is different when you are a kid. As you grow up the relationship evolves.

For newly married couples, things would be different initially. But as time passes, couple’s love for each other may not be as much as it was in the beginning. For example, sweetness may turn into bitterness. This is where the change occurred. Respect change and respond accordingly.

Likewise, with your childhood friends, your life circle, thoughts, obligations change with time.

In conclusion of our discussion, if all of us learn to accept that “change is inevitable” we could be happier.

“Life is too short to be Rigid”

So, what do you think?

Muhammad Omer Ali
Muhammad Omer Ali
Passionate financial advisor always seeking out the extraordinary from ordinary things.

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