Avengers: Endgame deleted scene reveals that Gamora is alive

When Thanos sacrificed Gamora in Avengers: Infinity War, fans didn’t expect to see the character back on the screen again. But with the confirmation of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3, we had a hope that the fiercest woman of the Galaxy in the MCU might come back.

As Avengers: Endgame clips are being released online near the digital release, Marvel released another deleted scene of the movie which explains Gamora’s fate. Yes, Gamora from the Endgame is alive, not the one we know from 2014’s Guardians of the Galaxy.

The deleted scene of the film reveals Gamora walked away in the ruins of the final battle. She was seen looking at the heroes kneeling to the fallen Iron Man and walking away. She didn’t kneel with them because she doesn’t know him as others do.

The deleted scene of Avengers kneeling to the fallen Tony Stark includes Captain America, Thor, Doctors Strange, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and other team members.

As a huge fan of this genre, I find this scene very emotional and heartbreaking, and Marvel saved it for the digital release to make more bucks. There’s no reason to delete this scene.

After the confirmation of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3, we can hope that James Gunn might bring Gamora back, but we’re still not sure how. Because the Gamora we know is still dead and this Gamora came from the past (from MCU’s 2012).

Anyways, that’s good news for the fans who have been waiting to know if she was alive or not. Here’s the deleted scene released online:


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Muhammad Abdullah
Muhammad Abdullah
Abdullah is a computer scientist turned tech writer and certified Growth Hacker.

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