Noor Imtiaz

Currently a MS student in Healthcare Biotech at Pakistan’s National University of Science and Technology juggling pure science and creative writing. I’m an avid reader who makes more time for books than Netflix.

The benefits of using AI to revamp agriculture

The agriculture industry needs to keep up with how fast the rest of the world is moving. Most nations that depend on agricultural products...

Somehow Facebook continues to grow, despite constant scandal

Facebook announced their quarterly earnings on Wednesday. The tech giant has been drenched in scandals that show no signs of slowing down. Their latest...

Google also has a data-collecting app, just like Facebook

After the shocking revelation on Tuesday about a Facebook app that collected web browsing and other sensitive data from its users, TechCrunch is back...

Apple blocks Facebook from running internal apps on iOS

Apple has responded to the Facebook Research app scandal with decisive action. Facebook was collecting data from teenagers in return for small payments, in...

Judge rejects Yahoo’s settlement offer over data breaches

On Monday night, a US judge rejected Yahoo's attempt to pay its way out of explaining data breaches. Yahoo had been attempting to settle...

Vodafone halts purchase of Huawei equipment amid Western bans

On Friday, Vodafone became the first major network to suspend the use of Huawei in its core networks. This comes after several major governments...

Facebook looking to merge Instagram DM, WhatsApp, and Messenger

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has revealed plans to merge the messaging services of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. But this would not mean making these...

We Are at the WeDo Technologies’ WeMeet Asia 2019

Our CEO & Founder Jazib Zaman and Editor-in-Chief Jessica Baron are both in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia this week to attend a two-day event hosted...

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