Apple launched its latest and the most powerful trio of iPhones, including the iPhone XS, the iPhone XS Max and the iPhone XR a few days ago. The phones have last year’s design of iPhone X with few upgrades in the processor, camera section, etc. RAM is the same, and so is the battery efficiency in which they used the word slightly better and Wola! Here’s the new iPhone for Apple customers. The prices of these iPhones are considerably high with same old slow charger and no dongle. Apple wants its customers to buy these necessary accessories even after purchasing a phone worth $1,449.
Huawei was quick to respond, thanking Apple for “keeping things the same” through their official Twitter account.
Thank you for keeping things the same. See you in London. 16.10.18 #HigherIntelligence #HUAWEIMate20
— Huawei Mobile (@HuaweiMobile) September 12, 2018
What the Huawei is implying here is that their next Mate 20 and Mate 20 Pro smartphones will be a level higher than Apple’s latest and greatest. You should expect the Huawei’s next flagships to go “beyond consistency,” “beyond the horizon” and even “beyond intelligence,” regardless of what it might mean.
Unlock the power of your mind, a #HigherIntelligence is coming. #HUAWEIMate20
— Huawei Mobile (@HuaweiMobile) September 11, 2018
Huawei already impressed the industry by scoring a whopping 109 points in P20 Pro against iPhone X 97 due to their triple camera (Leica Optics) lenses. This time, we expect to see tough competition in the camera section as well because Huawei is using triple camera system in their Mate 20 series.
Illuminate your shots with the #HuaweiP20 or be left in the dark with the competition.
— Huawei Mobile (@HuaweiMobile) September 13, 2018
We have to wait till October 16th in London to see what Huawei has in their sleeves.
What we know so far is that both Mate 20 versions powered by Kirin 980 chipset. These processors are built on a 7nm process just like A12 bionic used in Apple XS, XS Max, and XR. The comparison of Geekbench scores would be interesting between these top of the line smartphones. Other rumors like AMOLED panels, curved glass, notch, and 3D face detection are all part of the rumors.
Stay tuned for more updates!
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