8 easy ways to improve your kid’s Fitness

Physical activity is essential to keep our bodies healthy and fit. This applies to all human beings irrespective of age or gender. Being active is very important, especially at a young age. There was a time when kids used to love playing outdoor games so much that the parents thought of ways to get their kids back to the house on time. Because of all those physical activities, kids used to be fit, active, and healthy.

Well, nowadays, the scenario is different. In most houses, outdoor games are replaced by mobile, television, PS, Xbox, etc. Too much of these games have an ill effect on kids. It hampers their eyes as well as body postures. Besides this, sitting in front of these devices does not involve any kind of physical activity. The only muscle that is developed by playing these games is that of our fingers. This inactivity further results in stiffness and lack of flexibility in kids. Lack of vitamin D and B-12 has become very common in kids.

Similarly, another most common health problem seen in today’s generation is obesity. Yes, it’s true. Most of the kids eat food while watching television. This hampers their digestion. Lack of physical activity is another reason for obesity in kids.

Sedentary and lack of physical activity in childhood hampers adulthood also. Individuals who lacked physical activity in their childhood tend to carry forward the same habits and have higher chances of depression, diabetes, and heart diseases.

So, if you are a parent who is worried about your kid’s physical fitness, then this article can be of great help. Getting your kid involved in any physical activity does not means he/she has to be a football or basketball champion. If you want your kid to be physically active, you have to put an extra effort to shift your kid’s interest from playing video or mobile games to going for a walk, playing an outdoor sport, cycling, etc.

Below we have discussed eight simple ways by which you can improve your child’s physical fitness and overall development.

1. Set a Good Example

Kids tend to look at their parents and try to imbibe their habits. So, to bring a change in your kid, you first have to bring a change in yourself. If you want your kid to take part in some physical activity, then you have to start working on the same line. Be a good example for your kid. When your kid sees that you go for a walk or swim regularly, then the chances of them following your footsteps would be quite high. Try to involve your kids in your fitness program. For example, go cycling with them or swim with them. In your free time, take your kid to some park and play with them.

If you are overweight, then you might first want to lose some weight to become a fit, active, and healthy dad. Start with eating healthy and following a healthy lifestyle. Phentermine could also support you in your mission of losing those extra kilos. “Phentermine prescription” can easily be obtained online.

2. Establish a Regular Schedule for Physical Activity

If you want your kid to be regular with the physical activity, then try to make it a part of your daily routine. For example, if your kid knows that evening 5-6 is park time, then by default, he/she will follow that routine. Try to fix some time of the day or week for a particular physical activity. You can fix the weekend mornings for some kind of physical activity like riding a bicycle, swimming, etc. Another way to make physical activity a part of your kid’s daily routine is by putting in some kind of sports coaching like tennis, football, skating, etc.

3. Let Them “play” Gym

If you are a gym-freak, you can improve your child’s fitness by involving them in gym activities. Weight training sessions are highly avoidable for kids as it might hamper their bone growth. Rest, let them enjoy the gym with you. If they want to run on the treadmill, let them do it. If they want to join you in power clean, wind sprints, etc. let them do it but do teach them the proper technique. Let them do whatever they want. However, tell them how to use the equipment safely. If your kids love doing a workout with you, you can look forward to having a garage gym. Remember, if your kid is too young, let the aim of the gym only be fun and play. After all, you can always train them when they reach the right age.

4. Participate in a Variety of Activities That Are Age-appropriate

When we talk about physical activities for kids, it doesn’t only mean playing baseball or basketball. You can motivate your kid to go for any kind of physical activity that goes with their age. Some of the most common physical activities are:

  • Soccer
  • Biking
  • Hiking
  • Dancing
  • Playing at a Playground
  • Swimming

5. Feed Your Kids Well

Involving your kid in some physical activity will not survive the purpose of keeping them fit and active if they keep on eating junk food. A healthy and nutritious diet is essential for growing kids. At a growing age, our body needs lots of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Hence, you need to make sure your kid gets all the essential nutrients that are required by the body. Nowadays, kids are more interested in eating burgers, fries, chocolates, etc. You need to tell them about the importance of eating healthy food. Try to use junk food as a reward like a chocolate/ a doughnut if the kid finishes all the veggies. Try restricting junk food only once or twice a week.

6. Make it fun

Little kids love doing things that have a fun element attach to it. They don’t need much of a push to jump like a kangaroo or a frog. Similarly, kids love playing in the rain or having a pillow fight. Also, you might not have to push your kid to dance to their favorite song. Hence, try to engage your kid in a physical activity that they enjoy. This way, they will have fun doing it that too, with a smile on their faces.

7. Try using exercise as a reward

Kids love doing things on their terms. If you try to force something on them, they might show resistance. Hence, instead of forcing your kid to go out and play, try using exercise as a reward or break. Yes, your child might love to go out and play if you use it as a way to take a break from studies. Try it, it works.

8. Tell them, doing exercise is in

The pressure of peer group or what’s in and what’s not having a significant influence on kids. Try to persuade your kid that doing exercise is the new in-thing. Your kid might want to do karate like Bruce-Lee, kick a football like Ronaldo, learn the latest dance move that is popular on YouTube.


As a parent, we play a significant rule in the development of our child. It is we who are responsible for their physical fitness. So, let us start avoiding giving them the remote so that they can watch T.V. and we can have our moment of peace. Instead, let try to keep them busy doing some kind of fun-filled physical activity.

Jessica Ann
Jessica Ann
Jessica Ann has written many blogs across the spectrum, but specializes mainly in weight loss and dieting. With several years in the field, Jessica has been helping people get healthy and is dedicated to providing information for those who need it.

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