Social Networks

Twitter leaked country codes of their users’ phone numbers

In another mega blunder, Twitter accidentally exposed a security flaw that allowed others to extract its users’ phone number country...
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The Oxford Internet Institute researches patterns on the internet. The academic institute focuses on the social sciences of the internet....
Update: People have been safely returned to the building. Facebook's spokesperson also clarified that not all of the building were...
It seems like the death of newspapers has finally come upon us. For the first time in history, American adults...
A lot of you who have been following various vloggers on YouTube must have waited for the YouTube’s wrap-up Video....
It seems Google keeps piling on the mess that is its social network. Google+ has long been a ghost town...
The trend of Voice messaging is not that new; it started with the walkie-talkie devices in the Second World War....
There are controversies surrounding the role of social media in instigating the genocide in Myanmar. The role of Facebook and...
Facebook has banned the selling of administration rights for community groups. This happened after BBC News uncovered several incidents of...
Just when you thought it was a little too much to have everything recorded in your Snapchat story through Snapchat's...
Africa’s most populous countries are facing the fake-news storm just like India and Brazil. WhatsApp fake news has taken over...
It might be surprising how a lot of baby stars who never saw or used their own Instagram accounts have...