WhatsApp is finally getting the most awaited dark mode after Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Twitter, Gmail, TikTok, iOS 13, Windows 10, and Android 10. The update is rolling out to supported iOS and Android devices. If you haven’t got the update, wait for it.
You can enable WhatsApp dark mode in iOS 13, and Android 10 by enabling system-wide dark mode. However, smartphones with previous OS can enable it by navigating to Settings > Chats > Theme > select ‘Dark’ or ‘Light.’
WhatsApp said in a blog post,
“When designing dark mode, we spent time researching and experimenting with a focus on two particular areas, readability and information hierarchy.”
The company said that they worked for a long time in dark mode, and after experimenting with the design, they were able to improve readability and information hierarchy.
Here are other apps with dark mode:
- Facebook Messenger
- Chrome
- Gmail
- TikTok
- YouTube
Let us know which is your favorite app with the dark mode in the comments below. Visit ‘dark mode‘ for more darkness.
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